HWA Oregon

The Oregon Chapter of the Horror Writers Association

Elle Mitchell


Elizabeth (Elle) Mitchell is a disabled multidisciplinary artist and author of dark fiction, crip fic, and essays. She is a co-chair of the HWA’s Oregon chapter. She spends her downtime gaming, fighting for disability rights, researching, and eating more than her share of homemade baked goods (when her body allows). Being a woman with several invisible illnesses, she enjoys living a semi-horizontal life with her husband and spoiled furbutts in the PNW. 

You can find her books and limited edition miniatures connected to them in her shop. Sign up for her newsletter to keep up to date with her goings on, receive a free horror short story, and get other exclusive content delivered to your inbox twice a month.

Contact Elle in the old-fashioned way via email.

Please keep in mind that she is a spoonie (a chronically ill person), so she can take a while to email you back. It isn’t personal. She probably wants to talk to you.

Elle Mitchell